
Friday 24 June 2011

We are here and trading :-)

Ooooh so excited - the show started yesterday and despite really horrible weather, it was a very successfull day!  So we are looking forward to this weekend.  Hopefully the chilly weather here in Durban doesn't keep the customers at home.

Sunday 19 June 2011

Straight out of the kiln

I am calling this range the "Bobbi" range because she sent me these pics and I really love them so I translated them into dishes :-).  I just love art deco!  This is the last firing before the show. Now it is all systems go!

Friday 17 June 2011

Getting ready

Well I am back again with more photos! The cheesboards and Wacky Spoonrests and Salad Servers are all made from recycled glass (our bit towards looking after the environment)!
The other photo is a mushy toffee fudge caramel and cream dish that looks good enough to eat :-)

Thursday 16 June 2011

Some photos of our latest work

Bevels Galore Lamp
Thought I would share some of our latest work.  Please feel free to leave comments good or bad :-)
A bit of the whimsy range
Glass on glass mosaic

                                                 Wavy Vases (the most popular vase ever!)

So much to do - so little time !

This seems to be the story of my life :-).  Things are so hectic at the moment getting ready for the show and we have made a whole lot of new things this year to take there.  We have pendants, wind chimes, new lamps and mosaic tiles, inserts and a couple of finished mosaics and a whole range of whimsy dishes and lots lots more! AND there is still so much more that I would like to make................if I can just get time to stand still for a bit ;-).

Right now I don't have any finger nails left and my hands don't feel like my own with all the chemicals that I have been using.  Can't wait to get there now.

I also thought I would try my hand at doing something with my photos so I put together this collage. I still have a lot to learn regarding photo editing though.

Terry has put together this amazing blog for the Homegrown section of the ECR House & Garden Show which she will keep updated right through the show. I am so chuffed to see Tarryn's Lun@tic mentioned on it already! Please remember that the Homegrown section is not in the main hall and is in a hall of it's own along with The Kids Shoppe next door.
We would love to see you all. Link for the homegrown section
I will be posting some more photos as I go.  Have a good week everyone!

Sunday 12 June 2011

Owl windchimes launching at ECR House & Garden Show

My daughter Tarryn loves owls and this inspired me to create these windchimes.  I have made a couple of them in all different colour combinations.  Looking forward to seeing how well they will do!

Finding my way around.....

Let me introduce us.  My name is Jenny and my hubby is Wally and we are both glass nuts.

As this is the first time that I am blogging - I have way more to learn about it but I am sure we will get there eventually so please forgive the first sampling of our layout etc.

We have a stand at the ECR House & Garden Show and Terry (the organiser) is setting up a blog and keeping everyone updated with what is happening at the show and although we have a website ( we thought this would be far easier to upload photos and keep everyone updated as the show progresses.

We are extremely busy making stock and very excited about the show which starts on the 24th June.