
Thursday 25 August 2011

African Dream windows

Front Door with Acacia Tree, Aloe and hoopoe's
Phew! At last the windows have been installed in Pretoria.  I have been looking forward to this moment for quite a while now as we cut, ground and finished each piece of glass.  These are the windows that I was designing along with the owners in July and was excited about.  They are different and very difficult to photograph properly, especially the long staircase window as it is very tall and the sun streaming through plays havoc with the colours, but then again, that is what the magic of stained glass is all about. The colours change all the time as the sun moves through the sky and that is what captivates me and why I love it so much!  These are not the best of photos and the owners have promised to send me some which I am sure will be much better!
Botton half of staircase window
Entire staircase window
Top half of staircase window
Close-up of the highveld sunbird panel.

Monday 22 August 2011

Mad Hatter Range and others

Wow!  What a weekend! My eldest daughter Nikki and family came through to spend the weekend with us and after looking at some patterns for dishes Nikki came up with an idea for a Mad Hatter range of dishes. Well this got us all fired up and we started getting the men involved with cutting and grinding and helping us achieve what we set out to do.  Here are a few photos of the results of all this creative energy which was surrounding me:

And then there was another bright idea for the continuation of the Bobbi range.

And then we also got in some new moulds to make some egg crazy goodies - 1 is a glass egg holder and the other dish is for devilled eggs.

Now for the next bunch of ideas..............................

Saturday 13 August 2011

Another lamp

Gosh it is so cold here today - definitely snowing on the Drakensberg mountains. I guess the warmest place for us to be right now is either in bed or in the studio where we have heaters and kilns going all the time.
We are gearing up for the Hilton craft market on the 16,17,18th September so I guess there will be quite a few lamps made before then.  I have finished quite a few mosaics but they are all waiting for grouting (horrible job - yuck) but will post pics when done. This is one of the lamps that I finished for a kiddies room.
The little fused birds are available at Caboodle if you would like to make your own.

Thursday 11 August 2011

Caboodle stock

How busy have we been? Jumped in the car on Monday night and drove through to Hillcrest to sleep over with Tarryn and family.  Then off to an early breakfast with Verena who has just got back from the UK (before the riots - thank goodness!) and then to Caboodle to restock some of the shelves.
 Some photos of the new stuff below.

Owl Lamp
Owl mosaic inserts

Bird dish
Another shoe dish with pearls this time.
Bird mosaic inserts
Parasol Dish

And the cupcake dish
There is so much more to see at Caboodle. Tarryn now making the most gorgeous lego T-shirt and we have lovely lovely woodwork stuff and dresses and and and..............