
Sunday 30 September 2012

New page on Facebook

Hi again,

I am pretty new to all this but I have just created a page on Facebook and I am desperate to get enough likes so that I can get all the functionality. The address is as follows:!/pages/Glasshoppers/448887658488082

Please go there as I am going to be continually uploading new work.

Many thanks

Sunday 1 April 2012

New pictures

Hi there,

Just posted some new pics of what we have been up to on the pages headed Mosaics, Fused Glass, Stained Glass Doors & Windows.

Comments are always welcome.

Thanks for looking and enjoy your day.


Monday 9 January 2012

Stepping Stones into the New Year 2012

Well that was 2011 and Christmas and New Year celebrations all done and dusted. I must admit that I took a bit of a break from glass and just enjoyed the hot weather and the swimming pool for a bit.  Unable to watch TV in the evenings without falling asleep, I felt the need to have something to do so decided on mosaicing some foot paving stones for the pathway outside the back door.  So when the gardener arrived, I had the whole pathway dug up and cleaned and ready for the plastic, pebbles etc only to find out that all the suppliers were closed over the holiday period..............ah well.......
Below are the pics of the foot stepping stones ready and waiting for the pathway now.