
Sunday 24 July 2011

Blog changes

I have been battling a bit with this blog to get it to be exactly the way I want it and I am still not there.  Having a slow internet connection at home doesn't help much either.  Anyway I have managed to add some pages and now maybe I can get it organised sometime. 
New on the blog at the moment are the mosaic inserts which I made this weekend and I have posted them under the fused glass section.  Also new are the windows which Wally has just installed in Toti as part of the kitchen makeover happening there.  We have also done the cupboard doors but they have not been mounted onto the cupboards yet so we could not take any photos.
Please bear with me as I try to get this blog into shape.  I still need to upload many many photos in all the different sections and will get "roundtoit" sometime.
Keep checking and you will see the progress :-)

Enjoy the week - I believe we are in for a cold snap again.


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