
Friday 8 July 2011

The Body Bar
I met Sara at the House & Garden Show as my neighbour and fell in love with her creativity with "Cake of Soap" which are not only divine to look at but feel soooooo good! What a lovely friendly neighbour - please do yourself a favour and have a look at her soaps which look good enough to eat especially her cupcakes which are bath bombs (fizzers) with cream and toppings. The smells are so divine and my absolute favourite is the apricot & buttermilk!


  1. That is soap??? WOW, I'd bite first and ask later

  2. Thank you so much Jen xx Been missing you this week and guess what? I will be at the Hilton Festival.. Yay!

  3. Poetic Soul - they ae fabulous! I have been putting a cupcake in my bath and it feels absolutely fabulous when you get out - all luscious and moisturised! You need to try them :-)

    Sarah I am soooooo glad you got into Hilton! Good luck and see you there !!!
