
Monday 10 October 2011

Sunday Tribune Garden Show

Phew!  I haven't blogged for such a long time.  We have just unpacked and settled in after doing both the Hilton Arts Festival and the Sunday Tribune Garden Show.  Man that was hectic doing 2 shows in 2 weeks! But we survived and now the creative juices are kicking in again with so many compliments received and orders to make. Wally and I decided to take this last weekend off and spend it with friends and I am so glad we did that because the weather was great and it was good to just chillax for a change. This relaxing mode can't last too long though because Christmas is around the corner and we have much to do. I am attaching some pics of our stand at the Garden Show because I am so proud that we won the Bronze Medal along with Bobbi whose jewellery is amazing.  We were judged along with all the major retailers and so it is a very big deal for us to win something like this as we are just crafters and don't have enormous budgets to throw at advertising on a show! Enjoy your day!

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